Friday, November 10, 2017

Enchilada Sauce

Sorry about being absent for a few days.  I've been cooking, just not taking the time to post what I'm making.

I've been craving Mexican food lately.  Actually, that's a lie.  I'm always craving Mexican food.  I could eat spicy food every day.  The problem with eating at a Mexican restaurant is the hidden carbs.  Normally, I'll order steak and chicken fajitas, no tortillas, give David the beans and rice and just eat the fajitas on top of lettuce with the guacamole, sour cream and pico.  It tastes wonderful, I don't feel like I'm missing out because I'm not eating the tortillas, beans, rice and chips.  But, the morning after I always feel a little bloaty.  I'm guessing, there are hidden carbs in the fajita seasoning and guacamole.

Here is a Enchilada Sauce recipe that will take your home cooked Mexican dishes to the next level.  YUM YUM!!!

Keto Enchilada Sauce
Yields approximately 1 1/2 cups of sauce
8-12 servings


1 1/2 Tbsp butter
2 Tbsp tomato paste
2 cups chicken broth
1 bay leaf
2 Tbsp chile powder
1/2 tsp dried oregano
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp dried garlic granules
1/4 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp chipotle chilie powder
1/4 tsp instant coffee
pinch of ground clove
pinch of cinnamon


Mix all ingredients into a medium sauce pan.  Simmer, stirring occasionally for approximately 20 minutes.  Sauce will reduce a little bit, it will be thin but have an amazing taste.  Remove bay leaf before serving.  If you think the sauce is too bitter, you can add a little bit of stevia to sweeten.  Personally, I didn't think it needed any sweetening.

This sauce is the kicker to any Mexican food or Tex-Mex style entree.  Drizzle it over the top, stir it into the dish, however you want to use it is fine.  

Will last covered in the fridge for 1 week, if it's not all used up before that.  Next time I make it, I'm doubling the recipe and going to freeze it in ice cube trays.

I used the sauce to drizzle over this yummy Enchilada Rice Bowl...mmm mmmm good!

Nutritional Value for 2 Tbsp of sauce
calories 4;  fat; 0; total carbs 0.7; fiber 0.1; net carbs 0.6; sugars 0.3; protein 0.3

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