Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Batter Dipped Chicken

For the last year, I've been trying to find a way to coat chicken and fry it which allows the coating to stay on during the frying process.  I've used pork rinds in place of the flour coating and it is tasty, but the coating slides off or sticks to the skillet or gets too dark too fast.  I've tried almond flour, coconut flour and almond meal mixed with pork rinds and yes, I've had some successes but it's just not the exact way I want it. 

A week to two ago, Davy and I decided to try to make a beer batter for chicken nuggets.  It was a good recipe and it was very successful, but we didn't write a thing down.  I'm not sure we even measured any ingredients, except the beer. lol

This afternoon, Davy suggested we give the chicken nuggets another go, but we didn't have a beer, and we couldn't remember how we made the last batter.  So once again, this was an experiment...but I did remember to take notes, just in case it as a huge success and guess what!?!  It was...

This is our batter dipped chicken nugget recipe.

Batter Dipped Chicken Nuggets
serves 2


4 Tbsp ground Mac's salt & pepper pork rinds
2 eggs
2 Tbsp shredded Parmesan cheese
1 tsp baking powder
1 Tbsp heavy whipping cream
2 Tbsp water

2 chicken breasts 6-8 oz total cut into bite size pieces
3 Tbsp butter
3 Tbsp coconut oil
salt, pepper or your favorite seasoning to taste

Combine all the ingredients for the batter (pork rinds, eggs, Parmesan, baking powder, heavy cream and water) in a food processor or blender.  You can mix this by hand but the food processor gave it a smoother consistency.  It will be thick like waffle batter.

Heat butter and coconut oil in a skillet on medium high heat to approximately 300°

Season the chicken pieces (we used 1/4 tsp paprika, 1/4 tsp salt, 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper, pinch of oregano 1/4 tsp garlic powder and several dashes of pepper)  Sprinkled the seasoning on the chicken and toss around to make sure it is seasoned well.

Dip the chicken in the batter and place it in the hot butter/oil.  Fry for a couple of minutes on each side until golden brown and place on paper towels to absorb excess oil. 

The best part...the batter stayed on the chicken.  It was well coated, crispy and enjoyed :)

Next time I'm going to try to use this same batter recipe on fish.  I've never been able to get anyone in the family to eat fish unless it was fried in cornmeal.  This might be the answer to our Keto lifestyle.

Nutritional value per serving:
calories 441; fat 30; total carbs 0.4; fiber 0; sugars 0.2; protein 41.7

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